Please note that, due to the necessary restrictions forced by the Covid-19 pandemic, we have made a number of changes to our operations. These include the following:
- We are not currently holding face-to-face activity clubs. These are now done online through Zoom. Please get in touch if you wish to find out more.
- We continue to provide a Covid-secure, socially-distanced befriending and visitation service. As indicated on the “About Us” page, we do this either via regular phone call or through socially-distanced visits in which we stand at an appropriate distance, while wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and have a short conversation. Contact Us for further details.
- Our food donations are handled in a Covid-secure manner, incorporating the use of PPE such as gloves, face masks and sanitising gel by our volunteers; and ensuring that our volunteers are following government guidelines on “hands, face and space,” while taking necessary space to avoid inadvertently passing on the virus.
Further information and latest government guidance on coronavirus are available here.